Corban Clinic

The Corban Clinic is located in and sends out medical teams from the village of Cacalotepec in southern Oaxaca, Mexico. Our work is part of the larger ministry of the Roca Blanca Mission Base, located on the same physical site.

We invite you to take a few minutes and acquaint yourself with the other pages on our full site at Corban Clinic Website ! There you’ll find a lot more information. And feel free to ask us any questions, etc., on the Contact page.

The southern Mexico state of Oaxaca is home to many Pre-Colombian indigenous peoples, 16 major language groups with 155 distinct spoken dialects! Missiologists say that the state of Oaxaca has the greatest quantity of still unreached people groups in all the Americas, the Western Hemisphere. We’re privileged to be working among several of those groups, many isolated by time and geography, all within some hours travel on mountain roads. There are many coastal towns and villages, too, within our reachable area with little to no medical nurture or care, and even less of the good news of the gospel.

Our deepest desire is to walk with Jesus and to share Him with the needy and the lost in the large, geographically diverse, indigenous area within our reach. Medicine is our tool and method, what God has enabled us particularly to do. Bringing people to Christ, especially in the hard to reach places, is our goal. Do you identify with that vision and mission?

Christ’s sweet savor of Christ permeate your life and spill over on many today!

Laura Pratt Nelson – director