About Us

















There is little to no medical care in many of the remote villages in the state of Oaxaca. Occasionally children will die of illnesses such as diarrhea, and adults suffer from many sicknesses and diseases which can be easily treated and cured with basic medical knowledge and pharmacy resources.

Laura, along with the medical team at Roca Blanca, and with the help of short-term medical teams from Mexico and the United States and Canada, have ministered to well over 100,000 patients since 1991. Many thousands have come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ through this ministry and care, and churches have been planted through the medical ministry working in collaboration with local pastors and Bible School graduates.

Laura directs the permanent clinic, which is open at the Roca Blanca base in the village of Cacalotepec, on the coast of Oaxaca near Puerto Escondido. This facility is open to the public for consultation and emergencies. It’s also used for minor surgeries and eye and dental clinics with visiting doctors. In addition to quality medical care, patients who visit the clinic and pharmacy receive spiritual counseling and prayer. It’s exciting to see people experiencing the love of God both through practical, physical care and through the encouragement, comfort and challenge of His Word.

Training is an important part of Laura’s work. Nursing schools and others with nursing programs send their students for practical medical missions courses and involvement. In addition, the Corban Clinic teaches a Community Health Worker course for Bible school graduates that wish to minister in that very useful way in their villages.

Regular medical brigades are done in the coastal and mountain villages within several hours drive from us, inhabited primarily by indigenous groups who speak a native dialect other than Spanish. Many of the churches among these people groups have had their beginning with a medical brigade.

David teaches courses in the first and second years in the Bible school, training the indigenous who will serve or are already serving among their own people groups, as well as students from the coast and from other areas of Mexico. The Mexican state of Oaxaca alone has 16 major language groups with 155 distinct dialects, and is reputed to have the highest concentration of unreached people groups in the western hemisphere.

David also directs a Spanish language school on the Roca Blanca Mission Base with the aim of equipping cross-cultural workers in both the Spanish language and the cultural integration necessary for a fruitful, long-term ministry.

David serves, too, as Superintendent of our mission base K-12 schools, doing administration for our team of teachers and 100+ students.

If you’d like to contact us then our emails are dlnelsonroca@hotmail.com, and laurapratt11@gmail.com. We can also be contacted by phone at 954-147-7548, or 954-150-2153 within Mexico. If your calling from outside of Mexico then you must add 011-52-1 before the numbers listed above. Both of these numbers above work with Whatsapp as well. And we can contacted on Facebook Messenger at our David Laura Nelson ID. We look forward to hearing from you!