January & February 2021

Friends, we so wish we could show each of you in person what we do, but here are some quick updates on the ministry work for now. There’s a lot going on and a lot more to do!

Now that our schedules are a bit more predictable (and we do mean a bit) we have been able to jump in to one of the main reasons we’re here: short-term team hosting! People have been itching to get to missions work, especially those who weren’t able to travel last year. We’ve been working on filling up the ministry calendar, coordinating and communicating with teams, setting up ministry schedules for them, connecting with the various ministry leaders regarding their work, purchasing supplies, … and lots more details!

We currently have 9 teams scheduled for 2021, mostly in the spring and summer. Our first team arrives March 23rd! We are so excited to have them, and have a whole lot of work lined up for them to do.

It is a lot of up-front effort for these trips, but it is so worth it when we get to hear things like this: “We are so blessed to be having a team coming to help us. Thank you for choosing our town to support our efforts for the Gospel.” Pastor Abel shared this with us as we planned an outreach trip to one of his ministry areas. How cool is that?!

Luckily a lot of that work can be done from home! We got the covid-19 virus in January and were quarantined for 3 weeks with the kids. (They were never tested but showed some minor symptoms and are presumed to have had it.) Our symptoms were relatively mild. We felt almost no symptoms after a few days, but the exhaustion was something else! It has taken us weeks to begin to feel back to our normal energy levels. We’re so thankful it wasn’t worse.

Ben has been spending time every week teaching Carpentry at the Trade School. The students are ministry leaders from the Bible School who are learning a trade to be able to support themselves as they begin a work in poor or unreached areas. It’s such a practical way to equip the church here.

Hannah has been teaching at the Spanish School for an hour a day to help support missionary training. It’s exciting to rub elbows with new missionaries and people with a desire to serve the Spanish-speaking world.

Here are some pictures of some of the work we’ve been doing…

New Year’s on the beach with a new Spanish School student. Not a bad way to kick off the year!

Even though it was after Christmas, she knew they would be a huge blessing!

Our neighbor Wencho’s outdoor kitchen needed to be torn down and rebuilt. Ben lent tools and helped out.

Wencho and Chinta at his birthday party

Our friend Albita learning to run a miter saw. She is a children’s worker and has such a heart for unreached kids.

Ben helped some of the men in town build a cement roof. All the mixing was done by hand, and cement passed bucket by bucket. At mealtime the homeowner’s parents brought dinner for everyone. A huge effort, and well done.

The prayer room on the base has been very busy. There are worship and prayer times for the staff, training times for students, and personal prayer ministry times. In the center is Pastor Abel.

One of the base’s children’s workers got word of some extra Operation Christmas Child boxes in a town about 3 hours away. We went and picked them up.

Some of the boxes were distributed to the kids at our weekly cell group, and others were given away at a town church event.

The palapa (palm) roof had begun to fall apart after years of use. They put up a tin roof with stick walls to close the kitchen in.

One of Ben’s carpentry classes. They learn how to use tools, basic building methods, etc.

One of the carpentry class’ first projects -chicken laying boxes for the Casa Hogar Children’s Home. Now they just need some chickens! 

On a personal note, we are doing well. The kids are champs and are walking through the ups and downs of missionary life quite well. Now that school is back in session they are learning Spanish at a quicker pace. Cooper is essentially fluent already, and the others aren’t far behind!

We are so excited to really be getting going on teams. 2020 was difficult in many ways, but one very hard aspect was that we felt we weren’t really “jumping in” to what we’re here to do. Training and schooling don’t count!….or at least it can feel that way. So it’s a good feeling to look ahead and get ready to dive in.

We are still working on our residency visas. This has been a primary stressor simply because we still have to think about it! Ben and Hannah are tentatively planning a trip to the States in May to try again. If we’re able to get them at that point, we could work on getting the kids’ visas changed when we get back. Right now this is looking like the best plan. Please pray for wisdom and good counsel! Please also pray for appointments to be available, good flights, etc.

And some family life pics to share:


Parting the “rosca”. The tradition is that each person cuts a piece of any size they like, but if their piece has a plastic baby in it, they owe everyone snacks at a party later on. Hannah found one.

Mexican cuisine is the definition of fresh food!

We joined the Spanish School on an outing to Pluma Hidalgo, a town in the mountains known for its coffee production. We saw the coffee growing process from start to finish. So cool.

This is our nearest FedEx office. When packages arrive they are set outside for people to come see if theirs has arrived yet. 

Is there anything more precious?

3 weeks of quarantine may have brought on a little madness.

A great catch! If the iguanas have eggs it’s extra good – the more protein the better.

We also visited a waterfall nearby. Wesley looks pretty small in comparison.

Wes and Grandpa brought home a couple of mackerel after a morning outing with the fishermen. They were delicious!

Norah plays “Pato, Pato, Ganso” during a school break.

Traffic was really moooooving!




Thank you – for your prayers, notes, support. It is such a rich life to share the work with a team behind us. Feel free to reach out and say hello! We love you.

The Clarks


  1. Lynda Larson

    Thanks for your great update and the fantastic photos! Especially love the cow video! Praying for your ministry. Be well!

  2. Nate Nelson

    Love you Clark’s! Thanks for the update 🙂

  3. Marnie Sims

    These are great visuals that say so much about your life in Mexico. And also about your precious family. I love the picture of Norah worshipping (no, there is nothing more beautiful than that!), and Wesley at the waterfall, and all of them at the beach around the fire. I am so glad things are picking up – Covid gone, teams coming, ministry of ‘helps’ with neighbors and other towns. Not too sure what I think of eating iguanas – with or without eggs!!! I love you al!

    • Ben and Hannah

      Iguanas are tasty, it’s just the mental hurdle. I realize it’s a big hurdle though! Thanks for the feedback. You’re missed!

      • joel marquette

        How are they prepared?

  4. Ken and Sharon Holmgren

    Wonderful Update and pictures, especially the ones of your children!!

    Blessings and prayers,
    Ken and Sharon

  5. Cherie

    Thank you for the update and real life pictures. Amazing catch by Welsey, tell him Auntie is jealous! I miss you all. Squeeze those kiddos for me, especially COOPER?

    • Ben and Hannah

      Cherie-friend, I will pass on your love. Come fish with us!

  6. Sam Snyder

    Thank you for the update! So great to hear that you are feeling like you have now “jumped in” (even though training time is very important and real ministry has been taking place through you guys this last year!) We are looking forward to “jumping in” with you soon… hopefully even with a team!


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